MFLC Madeline Patalano coined for USAREC support
Madeline Patalano, at a meeting with LTC Garrett, the commander of the Cleveland Recruiting Battalion, received a coin in appreciation of her work.

The LTC thanked Madeline for coming out to visit the soldiers and communicated how important he feels the MFLC program is and how it is a vital part of the wellness of soldiers. He expressed that the MFLC program is one of the best programs that the Army has, and how it has been a service that he has seen benefit many soldiers. He is grateful that MFLCs could come out to visit the soldiers and spend time giving them skills and resources. LTC Garrett expressed that he had heard great things about the MFLC work and thanked Madeline for her exceptional service to the soldiers of the Battalion!
Thank you.
Dan McCarthy
MFLC Program Director
Gene Meyer
MFLC Deputy Program Director
Teri Moore
Director, Field Operations, MFLC